Let’s make some Ponche
Recipe: Mexican Fruit Punch
If you want to prepare the traditional Mexican Fruit Punch don’t think about it. Impress your Mexican friends with this simple recipe.

What do you need?
3 apples chopped in small cubes you don’t need to peal them
250 grams of peeled tejocotes
6 guavas chopped in small cubes
500 grams of peeled and cut sugar canes (each one cut in 4 pieces)
250 grams of pruns
500 grams of hibiscus flower
1 cinnamon stick
2 large piloncillo cones or brown sugar
5 liters of water
5 orange leafs if you can’t find you can use an orange peel (without vesicles).
El tradicional con un pequeño twist
1 large pot that can handle more than 6 liters of water.

I got the ingredients, now what?
Start boiling the 5 liters of water then add the cinammon and the piloncillo. Once it has boiled and the piloncillo has dissolved you can add the sugar canes, apples and tecojotes. You need to wait for it to boil it again and wait 20 mins.
After those 20 mins it is time to add the guava, pruns, the hibbiscus and the orange leafs.
Et voila! that’s everything! Also if you want your punch not to be so sweet you can use less sugar or any other sugar substitutes.